British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island
    Newfoundland and Labrador
    Prince Edward Island
    Nova Scotia
    New Brunswick
    Northwest Territories
    British Columbia
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    Which province or territory are you from?
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    Who is the program for?
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    We have programs for different age groups
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    Which of the following best describes you?
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    Which statement best describes you?
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    What language do you want to learn or improve?
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    Would you like to work in a classroom setting?
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    We have the PERFECT program for you.
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    We have the PERFECT program for you.
    You have arrived at Your Destination
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    We have the PERFECT program for you.
    Begin your ODYSSEY!
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Destination Clic
    Destination Clic
    Don’t want to work in a classroom? You may be interested in other opportunities.
    Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Explore Odyssey Destination Clic Explore Destination Clic Odyssey Language? French? Age? Who? Where? Language? French? Age? Who? Where?
    Where? Who? Age? French? Language? Who? Age? French? Language?
    Explore 13–15 in-person sessions are currently full, but places remain available for the 13–15 virtual sessions. The 16–17 sessions are currently full & waitpool numbers are high. Places remain available for the Explore 18+ sessions—late applications are welcome. The application portal will close on May 31, after which submissions will no longer be accepted. Submit your application without delay!
    Upcoming deadline: March 11 (Odyssey). The draw for Destination Clic is tentatively scheduled for March 11.