About OLP-PLO

    About the Official Languages Programs (OLP-PLO)

    If you are looking for a trusted and respected Canadian program to learn French, look no further.

    The OLP-PLO (Explore, Destination Clic, and Odyssey) are funded by the Government of Canada and administered by ministries and departments of education across the country. Officials from each province and territory work with the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) to promote the programs, establish common procedures and regulations, and help to ensure success for all participants.

    Our team

    It takes a spirited and dedicated community to provide each program participant with a memorable experience. Many of our program directors, teachers and monitors, language assistants and promotion agents were once participants themselves.

    Our community, made up of hundreds of thousands of current and former participants, continues to bolster bilingualism across the country, while sharing in cross-cultural Canadian values.

    The official languages programs are managed by the ministries and departments of education of each province and territory, who in turn work closely with participating school boards and accredited postsecondary institutions.


    The draw for the Destination Clic program was held on March 11. Sign in to your profile now and verify your status! The institution will contact you if you received an offer.
    The application portal will close on March 31, after which submissions will no longer be accepted. Submit your application without delay!